The 5 Static Code Audits every developer should know and use

The five audits that are going to be focused are Numerical Literal in code, String Literal, god Method, Shotgun Surgery and Duplicate Code. “Why those five?” There are many reasons but in general, once they are explained, they are easy to understand and at the same time they have real benefit.

Numerical Literal in Code:

For the masses that read Martin Fowler’s awesome book “Refactoring” this audit was named “Magic Number” refactor. However, for me this is one of the simplest refactoring methods to learn and understand.

We have all written code like:
double salaryCalc(double salary){
return salary * 1.34564333721

Instead of using a numeric literal, it would be better to replace that number with a symbolic constant. This way a meaningful name can be given to the number, as an example:
double salaryCalc(double salary){
return salary * BONUS
static final double BONUS = 1.34564333721

Now when the developers review the code, at a very minimum they should know what 1.34564333721 is the bonus for the calculation.

Again if you are doing refactoring, the unit test should not have to change and the outcome should be exactly the same when the refactor is complete.

String Literal:

We all know there are times when time is of the essence, and we have to make changes to code and get it into production as soon as possible. String literals just happen. This audit is especially nice when you need to internationalize the software, or have already done that task. It should be run very often and all new occurrences should be remediated as soon as they are found.

This would be incorrect:
public const helloWorldMessage : String = ‘Hello World!’;

This would be correct:

Public const helloWorldMessage : String =

This method would retrieve the helloWorldMessage string from a resource bundle that could be changed outside of the application and corrected without having to recompile.

god Method:

The god ‘X’ audits, where ‘X’ is equal to Method, Class, or Package are great checks on good object design. This audit does more than just look at the code and spit out that it should be done a better way, as with to two above audits.

The overview for this audit will be the god Method; the simple way to explain it is that you have a class, the class contains 50 methods, however only 1 method appears to be doing all the work. This method would be marked as a god Method.

By the way, most god ‘X’ situations do not start out that way. In the case of god Methods, they normally start out as simple normal methods but over time as more functionality gets added and the method has more responsibilities assigned to it, it grows and grows and eventually it becomes a god Method.

So what calculations are used to figure out if a method is doing more work than other methods? The usual calculation revolves around three major audits and a set of metrics to determine its status. The three audits used include Long Methods, Long Parameters, and Switch statements. The 4 basic metrics used include; Line of Code (LOC), Number of Parameters (NOP), Number of Local Variables (NOLV), and Maximum Number of Branches (MNOB).

By putting those numbers together you can start to see how the calculation works. Long Methods usually mean more than one operation is being performed, Long Parameters are hard to understand, and Switch statements mean a lot of different paths through the code. By adding in the metrics LOC per method compared to other methods and then verifying the NOP, NOLV, and MNOB, it can calculate what a god Method is and what is not.

So what do you do once you have isolated a god Method? There are a number of refactors that could occur, like Extract Method, Introduce Parameter Object, and many others. The idea is to make sure the method is only doing the work that the method was supposed to do in the first place. As an example, having a method that calculates the salary and updates the salary history, generates salary reports, and calculates taxes all in one single method may not be the best approach. Plus, from a simple maintenance perspective, separation is going to make that job much easier.

Shotgun Surgery:

This audit is one of my favorite audits, not just because of the cool name, but because this audit can save a lot of time. Like the god ‘X’ audits, this method also uses metrics to calculate its results.

Ever isolate the one method with one line of code that needs to be modified? You know in your developer heart that when you make the change to that one line of code that you will get to leave the office early, get to have dinner with the family, get to watch your favorite T.V. show, and maybe, just maybe, get to go to bed early! However, you change the one line of code in the one method, run unit tests it passes, put it in production… you don’t get to go home until 3:00 am, your spouse and kids are upset and your manager is really mad for breaking production.

However, if you would have used the shotgun surgery audit, the bad stuff may not have had to happen. This is because the audit basically looks at the number of places in your code that is relying on that one method. Meaning that you will know that one line change is going to affect the entire code base and you better take a step back before actually changing that line.

The two metrics that are used to help calculate a shotgun surgery method are Changing Methods (CM) and Changing Classes (ChC). The changing methods audit is really the number of methods that are associated or relying on the particular method, and the changing classes is the number of classes that is also affected by changing the method. So you can think of the shotgun surgery audit as a mini-method-dependency-checker.

So if you have a method that is reported to have shotgun surgery what should you do? Simple. Slow down… look a little deeper into the code, find the dependencies and review what the proposed change would do to the system. The extra time will be paid back many times over with the re-work that will not have to be done.

Duplicate code:

There are many days I believe Copy/Paste should be banished from our editors. The amount of times we use this feature in our code is astounding. Sometimes I refer to the process as Snarf and Barf, because it takes no time to execute and no real thought behind it. This leads too many of us (including myself) to copy bad code and paste it all over the place.

This leads to many problems, the biggest being a maintenance nightmare. Think of how many times we copy five or 10 lines of code and put that same code in the next method, in another method, and so on. Then we change the second method just a little for this one border case, then the next, how do you keep track?

Using this audit you should be able to find many of the areas that this occurs in. Many tools out there today state that 10 lines or more have to be duplicated before the audit returns a true. That is personally way too high, especially if the tool you use has the ability to check for duplicates in Conditionals and Constructors. I would recommend setting the number down to three to five lines.

Once the developer has isolated the duplicates, a couple of standard refactoring methods can be applied, usually Extract Method, or Pull Up Field will do the trick.

So an example maybe an IF statement like:
if (int x=0; x< 100; x++{
//other statements
someValue = 10;
} else {
//other statements
someValue = 10;

Could be written as:
if (int x=0; x < 100; x++{
//other statements
} else {
//other statements
someValue = 10;

The over-simplified example highlights it perfectly; the someValue was going to get changed to 10 every time so it may as well be changed only once.

There are a lot of audits out there today; there are most likely audits for almost anything we can think of. Remember, when starting with audits to start slow, pick a couple that you believe will give good feedback and have a potential for an easy payback and you should be ready to go.
